Freethought Archives > Walter R. Cassels > Supernatural Religion 


Part 1, Chapter 6 (pp. 109-120)

[109:1] Bampton Lectures, p. 214.

[110:1] 2 Kings 13:21.

[110:2] 2 Kings 2:14, cf. 2:8. In raising the dead child, Elisha sends his staff to be laid on the child.

[110:3] Mark 5:27 ff.; cf. Luke 8:44 ff.; Matt. 9:20 ff.

[110:4] Matt. 14:36; cf. Luke 6:19; Mark 3:10.

[110:5] Acts 5:15.

[110:6] Acts 19:11-12.

[111:1] J. H. Newman, Two Essays on Miracles, p. 160 f.

[111:2] Mozley, Bampton Lectures, p. 231.

[111:3] Ib., p. 220 f.

[112:1] Bampton Lectures, p. 219.

[113:1] Luke 1:1-4.

[113:2] We need scarcely point out that Paul, to whom so many of the writings of the New Testament are ascribed, and who practically is the author of ecclesiastical Christianity, not only was not an eye-witness of the Gospel miracles, but never even saw Jesus.

[116:1] Mozley, Bampton Lectures, p. 27.

[117:1] Cf. John 11:39.

[118:1] Order of Nature, p. 285.

[119:1] E.g., Galatians 2:11 ff.

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